Sunday, October 5, 2008

Maintain the TRIANGLE!

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Don't you hate it when you bomb your drive 280+ yards only to duff your sixty-yard approach shot? Below I've laid out a list of things to keep in mind when pitching around the green.

(1) Maintain the Triangle!
  • Your hands are what physically connect you to your golf club and therefore, its important to make sure that your hands, arms, and shoulders are moving together in unison and with rhythm. Otherwise it'll be difficult to find any kind of consistency
(2) Keep your weight slightly left and follow through!
  • It's somewhat difficult to pick the ball off the ground cleanly but I always found it nice to compress the ball and come down on it sharply. The benefits of this approach are the following: more flight and spin control. Also, this allows greater balance and stability throughout the pitch shot
  • Basically at address you want to play the ball slightly back in your stance (1-2 in back from middle). Also favor about 60% of your weight to your left (if you're a lefty player, then to your right)
  • Swing motion: as cliché as this may be...make sure you follow through!  The back swing should be relatively short and compact but your follow through should be long and smooth. 
(3) Mental Notes: Visualize and Accelerate!
  • Before you address the pitch shot, remind yourself to accelerate through out the pitch! There's nothing worse then the dreadful de-acceleration and 2-yard chunkage. I always say better long, then short (give yourself a chance to at least get the ball into the hole!)
  • Before you hit your shot, visualize the shot! Try to see where you want to land the ball and how it will react to the undulations around the hole