Monday, November 24, 2008

Hybrids to the Rescue!

So my latest posts have been about chipping and that's because I can't seem to find consistency in making good contact between the club face and the ball. I tend to come down either too steep onto the ball or thin it. As a result, the HYBRID TO THE RESCUE!

Choke up the club and address the ball as if you were putting. Regardless of the lie, the club head seems to do the work and will penetrate the grass (*unless its REALLY thick, then a wedge is more ideal)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gauging Chip Shots

*Source: Mel Sole, Ritson-Sole Golf School

Chipping's definitely my achilles heel...

While I'm fully aware of the technical aspects of chipping , I tend to say "SCREW IT...Let's Mickelson it up". 

Take out the 60 degree and check it next to the pin with some spin action

The only problem with this method's extremely difficult and inconsistent (unless you're a greenside magician like Phil)

I really need to start believing in fundamentals and one of the greatest/basic tips anyone's told me is the "6-8-10 Ratio". The chart above pretty much lays it out for you! The golden rule: "Fly the ball as little as possible and roll the ball as much as possible"